Sunday, February 23, 2014

Goodbye Primary.....

I have served in YW most of the last 10 years.  I drift out every few years to other callings but then, happily, find myself back again. I LOVE YOUNG WOMENS!  There is no place I would rather be but something is different this time.  First of all, for the first time I find myself president of the organization, and second, Pinterest was born, which has changed a lot of things.  I never have liked blogs much but I like Pinterest A LOT.  Since I need a place to host things I want to pin, I realized I needed a blog.  So here we are.....

Last July I was released as 1st counselor in the Primary Presidency and sent back to YW.  One thing that I was in charge of while in Primary was the bulletin boards.  It was super overwhelming at first, even for a scrapbooker like myself - bulletin boards are WAY bigger than 12x12  LOL.  Still, I got better at it each year.  So I thought I would start off there.  Here is a picture of 2 of our bulleting boards.  I'm afraid I don't have a good picture of the second one, which is sad because it was pretty cool.

I used material rather than paper on this one.  The tree is made out of butcher paper, crinkled for a 3D effect.  We swapped out the pictures regularly to keep them current.

I'm really sad I never took an adequate picture of this board  :(  It had a black frame all the way around the board.  I got engineered prints from Office Depot.  They are black and white and super cheap.  It was like $5 for prints that were about 2ft square.  It's a terrible picture but I can't tell you how much the kids loved that board.  The first week we put it up, you couldn't even get by it in the hallway because so many people were crowded around to look at it. 
I love a lot of things about Primary!  The kids love for you is so genuine, you get to be so silly, and you get to play lots of fun games.  I still miss their hugs but I am so excited to be back in YW!

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